Go Mobile Forms Savings ROI Calculator

Size of mobile team
Hourly salary - mobile workers $
Work weeks per year
Hours/day mobile worker spends delivering forms
Vehicle cost per km $

Manually Entering Data Costs

Size of office data entry team
Hourly salary - office team $
Hours/day entering data
Hours/day clarifying data

Mobile Information Access

Hours/day looking up data

Paper Costs

Monthly printing paper forms cost
Monthly paper form storage, distribution, etc.

Yearly Costs

Delivering forms costs
Vehicle costs
Form input costs
Form clarification costs
Accessing data costs
Printing paper forms costs
Storage, etc. costs
Total Costs

Saving Summary

Estimated Yearly Savings
Monthly Savings
Daily Savings

Return on Investment

Select Yearly Subscription
Estimated Yearly Investment
One Time Start-up Costs 1
Payback in months
Forecasted Yearly Savings
1 One time start-up costs example: build 2 custom forms, custom branding, configure security, etc.
Each customer is unique. Savings are estimated and are not guaranteed by Go Mobile Forms.