Looping and Repeating Groups

Looping_AddBedroomInspectionReport_350px_GoMobileformsYou forms can be shorter and easier to complete with the looping or repeating group.

Suppose you are completing a move-in inspection and the number of bedrooms or bathrooms vary by unit.  After you complete the inspection of the first bedroom or bathroom, you are asked if you would like to add another one.

See this feature in our Move-In Move-Out Inspection form as part of your 14-day free trial.

About the author: Dwight Stewart

Dwight Stewart
There is more energy, passion, and greatness inside each of us. We seek to unleash these capabilities to produce results faster than most people think is possible. Business Consultant, Senior BMC Remedy ITSM Architect/Consultant, Performance Improvement Coach in sports and business. Work hard, finish on time, and dance with your love everyday. Continued success!